Jinding launches homes for homes partnership with focus on affordable housing

We’re excited to report close to $200,000 is set to be raised for social and affordable housing in Victoria, through our partnership with independent not-for-profit social enterprise Homes for Homes.

Under the agreement, we will donate 0.1 per cent of the sale price of each lot upon settlement at our newly launched Broadstead Kilmore development, located just over an hour’s drive north of Melbourne, to Homes for Homes to deliver social housing in the broader community.

More than $16,000 will be generated upon settlement for Homes for Homes from our first release at the 500-lot Broadstead Kilmore, in the Mitchell Shire.

The money will go towards creating social and affordable housing for marginalised and disadvantaged Victorians.

Jinding Head of Development– Communities Chris Ravat, says the partnership is part of our commitment to generating positive outcomes for the wider community.

“We know homelessness is getting worse and with a predicted shortfall in social and affordable homes of one million by 2036, real solutions are needed now more than ever,” Mr Ravat says.

“That’s why we’re proud to partner with Homes for Homes because it offers a tangible way of generating the funds needed to build these homes.

“The beauty of the Homes for Homes scheme is it offers a concrete pathway for continual donations if homeowners elect to keep the 0.1 per cent sale price caveat on their land title, ensuring each time the property is sold, more funds go towards Homes for Homes.

“It is also great for our homebuyers to know they can buy their dream property and help to put a roof over the head of our most disadvantaged at the same time.”

Homes for Homes Chief Operating Officer Tracy Longo says the partnership is a great step forward to solving the housing crisis.

“Homes for Homes is excited to partner with Jinding on their Broadstead development. Each contribution from this development helps us work towards a future where every Australian has access to safe and secure housing,” she says.

“We thank the Jinding community and residents for coming together on such a critical issue.”

Broadstead Kilmore is located on a 60-hectare parcel of land off Quinns Road with the masterplan including 11 hectares of green space, and adjoining a proposed government primary school site, future sporting ovals and connections to the neighbourhood bus line. For more information on Homes for Homes visit https://homesforhomes.org.au/.

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